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Habiza Cover.png

This project was to create a new brand identity for Habiza Hummus. With a flavor that stands out on its own, we wanted the design to stand out as well. As the lead designer, working in tandem with the art director, we created the brand identity, website design, packaging design, and art direction to launch the world's creamiest hummus.

This project was done by working with Farrynheight.

8 Months

Brand Identity, Website Design, Packaging Design + Dielines, Art Direction Support, Hand Model, and Social

Habiza 1.png
Habiza 11.png
Habiza 2.png
Habiza 8.png
Habiza 5.png
Habiza 6.png
Habiza 3.png
Habiza 7.png
Habiza 10.png
Habiza 9.png
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